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Welcome to How to Write to Market Without Selling Your Soul!

This could be really cool or it could be a disaster! :)

What I'm Doing:

  1. I'm committing to reading & writing only urban fantasy to learn the genre at a deep level, and sharing the process of what that looks like.
  2. I'm launching a new pen name exclusive to urban fantasy, with no real audience to speak of. In many ways, I'm starting all over again.
  3. I'm writing my first novel in public, getting feedback from beta readers as I go to help me stay in the sweet spot of market vs. non-market.
  4. All of this will eventually become a paid course, but of course, you're getting it for free.

What You Can Learn:

  • How to write to market while also writing things you love (I don't know what this looks like, but I'm going to try to see if I can find balance)
  • How to launch a book with no audience
  • What NOT to do

What to Expect:

  • I will post updates every Wednesday. Expect an email from me via Teachable. I won't email you for anything else, and once the course is over, the emails will stop.
  • I expect this to run around 6-8 weeks. My cover designer can't work on the cover until March, so I won't be able to do any of the launch/marketing stuff until then.


  • I welcome your comments! I may not be able to respond to everyone, but know that I will be reading them all! Don't be a jerk though or I'll have to ban you.
  • Please respect my copyright and do not share any of the course materials outside this course.

This course is 100% free, but if you'd like to support me, you're always welcome to donate to my Patreon page. You can make a one-time donation and then cancel if that works for you.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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